Monday, June 8, 2009

What's up?

So what's up? Are you really doing okay? Have you thought any more about going back to school? Now would be a great time. I would support you. I wish you lived up here and I could give you a job because some of the ungrateful folks that work for me don't deserve one. (Oh, bad day at work carrying over).


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Catching up

Okay, I need to catch you up. There is nothing exciting going on in my corner of the world, everything has been pretty calm. The results from the Dr. appointments were pretty good.
I need to work on my cholesteral with diet and excercise, my iron and vitamin D were really low so I am taking medication for that and will get retested in about 3 months. The thyroid is okay and the pap and mammogram were good. (really glad about that since it had been a while)
I am finally feeling better since having pneumonia, I was beginning to wonder if the meds would ever kick in and get rid of that stuff. I do think some of it might be allergies so I am going to try some OTC allergy medication.
I went to the eye doctor and am trying contacts, well just one. My distance isn't perfect but not bad so we are trying a contact for the reading. Doing the monovision thing. The first week was kind of a pain but I went back last Wednesday and got another trial contact that was one step up. Seems to work a little better and feels a whole lot better. I was actually able to get in on the first try the last 2 days. Darren was really amused watching me try to put my contacts in, I'm sure it was quite comical. He is a pro now since he started wearing them, he thinks contacts are the greatest invention on earth. He HATED wearing glasses. He is one reason I am trying the contact, he thinks that just because I am a grandma doesn't mean I should look like one. I have to admit that it is more convienant than glasses especially since I really only wore mine when I was reading or working on the computer.
No news on the job front, but I am dealing with that okay. There is a lot of stuff I need to do around the house, I just need to get started. I am not as tired as I was so all the medication is helping. Now..........I just need to get motivated! Any suggestions on how to do that?

Have a great week,

Friday, May 8, 2009

Wanna trade

Five weeks of marriage and we now have house guest. Kimmie, do you wanna trade? Really, we can. Come on, just do it, just say yes! Pleeeeeeaaaaase. Pretty Please with sugar on top.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Okay, I started the first of the Dr. Appt's yesterday. I went in for a yearly physiscal, which shamefully I have not done in 3.5 years. I also had blood test done to check my cholesteral, iron, B12, thyroid, etc. I hope they got enough blood because, as usual, they had a hard time getting it.
The Dr. also put me on an anti-depressant and is going to do some kind of test to see if I have sleep apnea. They do this test at home before sending you to the hospital to do a sleep study.
I told her I was tired all the time, I just thought I was depressed. But after she told me all of the symptoms of sleep apnea, it sounded like she was describing me.
Tomorrow, I have a mammogram scheduled, it's been 3.5 years since I've had one of those too. I didn't get lectured too bad so that is a good thing. Next week, it's the eye doctor.
I am really hoping all of these tests come back okay, could use some good news for a change.

I really need to find some energy and motivation from somewhere. I haven't got a lot done in the past week, I just really don't want to do anything. I've just done what is needed to get by. I have so many things to do around the house, stuff that really needs to get done but I can't make myself do them. I am going to blame it on the weather. Yep, that's it. It's hard to get motivated when it is so gray and gloomy all of the time. It's just easier to curl up on the couch and watch TV or sleep. I don't want the heat but I do want some sunshine.
I do feel better today, not sure why but I am not going to complain.

That's all I have for now.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I don't know

I think of you every day and I don't know if I could be as strong as you. If I lost my job, I'm not sure what I would do. I wish I could get you a job. I wish I could get your kids a job. I wish I could win the lottery and give you enough not to worry about a job. I hate feeling helpless. Sometimes, life really sucks.


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Kim's Update

I am okay.....most days. Still unemployed but I am not alone. I am more worried about the kids being out of work than myself. They have little ones to support.
Of course, I really hate the thought of starting over. I do not like to change jobs. I have worked at 3 real jobs in my life, since graduating high school. Wal-Mart was 4 years, NGC was 13 years before they closed down, and the last one was almost 10 years. I don't mind learning new things and changing positions within, I just don't want to start over. I have never quit a job, they have always quit me.
I HATE starting over but I am trying to keep positive and think that the "perfect" job will come along, you know the kind that will just fall out of the sky into my lap! (I can always hope)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Are you doing well.

Are you doing okay really? I hope you are. I know that there are some good things on the horizon for you. I'm not sure what they might be but I do think that you should keep open to lots of dreams and hopes. It's never to late to become what you've always dreamed of.

Love ya

Friday, April 10, 2009

Our Mother

You know our mother, if she could keep a secret it would be a miracle. The pictures not being a secret will be spread all over SEKS before we know it. I'm very anxious to see them. We're heading out tomorrow morning for the farm. See you this weekend.


Hard Week

This has been a really hard week. I have been riding an emotional roller coaster.
Thanks for the support, it is really appreciated. It's good to know I have people I can count on.
I guess I am going to count this week as my "grieving period" and then try to move on and get past the fact that I lost my job. I know it's not the end of the world. I am trying to tell myself that maybe this is for the best. Maybe I got the good end of the deal with all the changes that are being made at work right now. That's what I keep telling myself but I'm not sure I am listening. I am trying to be positive, it's just not working all the time.
I was proud of the things I accomplished, I was proud of the fact that I started in production and worked my way up to a better position. I was proud of the things I learned and I think I was good at my job. It was not a performance issue and I never had a bad review. I guess I just worked my way up and out the door. My job is not who I am but it was a part of me.
I went in and signed the papers today. It was hard but it's done. Now I just have to let it go and move on.


I got a message about the pictures too. She wanted me to come out today to get a preview but I didn't make it out there. She must have called everybody..Rick's going out there tomorrow to get a look at them before everyone is there on Sunday.

I will see you all this weekend.

Love you,

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Hey gals

I talked to Mom today and she got the pictures and there wasn't a bad one in the bunch. She said they were all amazing. I can't wait to see them. I hope they are as good as she says, she's a little biased. I'll see you all this weekend. Get your tenny runners on and be ready for the big easter egg hunt.

See you this weekend.
Love ya

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


I am here for you!

All my love.



I still can't believe that I am unemployed, but here I am....
After 9 yrs and 9 mths working for the same company, working my way up from the production floor, to accounting, & then to purchasing, making it up to the position of SR Buyer for the last 2 years, as of yesterday, 4/6/09, my position has been eliminated. Shock, disbelief, feelings of rejection, feeling like I failed, and feeling like I lost part of my family.
I still don't remember everything that was said in the meeting. All i know is that there were 6 other people in the room. I shouldn't have been in there.....I'm sure there was a mistake.
I am still waiting to wake up from this nightmare. I am waiting for the call to say they made a big mistake and they need me to come back.
I went through this in the end of '98 but that was different. That plant closed down, there was a 60 day notice of the closing and we were able to decide what we wanted to do. Even though there was nothing we could do to keep our jobs, we had a choice of leaving early or staying until the doors closed.

This time it is so different. There is still a plant that is open, there is still work to do, my friends and co-workers are still there but I'm not. Why me? That was the only thing I wanted to ask but I really didn't want to know the answer. I was assured it was not a performance issue and was offered letter of reccomendations from several people. I do know that I will miss my job and I will miss the people I worked with. I would like to think that the person who made the decision will soon regret it but that is probably a lot to ask.

I will be okay....sooner or later. I am trying to be positive and think of all the things I can do until I find another job. I just have to learn how to cope with the range of emotions I am feeling.
It was hard going to sleep last night, I couldn't shut off my brain. You know, the would haves, should haves, could haves. I woke up at 5:30 this am, my regular time, and started crying because I realized I had nowhere to go.

So here I am.....

Friday, April 3, 2009

Being a married Woman

So the first week of being married has been good. I don't know that I feel any different except when I see my new name that is extremely weird for me. I love the comfort of having a husband and being called "wife". That sounds so much more permanent and committed. I'm so in love with my husband. We've talked on and off all week about the wedding and how perfect it was for us. He told me that I was just "beautiful" in my dress and looked so sexy. People said being married wouldn't feel very different and it really doesn't as far as the day to day part of it. Next week will be a little more interesting because I will be around people again.

Tomorrow will be our 1 week anniversary and ironically, Adam's six year anniversary. Ask me how it feels in about six months.

So for now,
The new Mrs.

What do you think?

Well, it's one day short of a week. What do you think about being a Mrs.?
I would guess you have probably been busy this week and enjoying your time off.
Tell us about your first week of married life....

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Happy Birthday Miss


I agree with Kim. You are as much of a sister to me as Kim and Suz. I love you dearly and admire your relationship with Rob and how you raise the kids. I couldn't have picked a better person to fit into our family. Know that you are loved dearly!

Love ya.

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday Missy.....
You may be the "plus 1" but you are just as much a sister as the rest of us!
Little Bro did a GREAT job when he picked you to join the family.
We are very lucky and blessed to have you.

Love you,

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Amazing Sister

My little sister is Married.....that sounds great.
I wish you the best, you deserve it. The wedding was wonderful and you looked beautiful.
I am sad that the weather was bad, I know there were a lot of people that you care about and wanted to be there to share "YOUR" special day.
Despite that, I think it was awesome. You and Don make a wonderful couple, a great team.
I am happy that you changed from your original plan and we were all able to be there to share it with you.

I wish you a long and happy life together.

We do have an amazing family, don't we? I don't know what I would do without any of you in my life. I am very blessed.


Amazing Family

Just a quick post. I have the most amazing family. My wedding was perfect because of my brother and sisters and sister in law.

I love you all very much.

Mrs. White!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The count down

So glad you had some time with Big D. He is a special one. The countdown is here. Can you believe it? How long have I waited and wanted to get married? I'm so excited to share this day with the family and am so happy that everyone is going to be there. I want it to be fun. Just fun. Will you dance with me?

4 days to go.


Monday, March 23, 2009

Here I am

I am here, little sister, no need to panic.
I did have a good weekend, didn't do anything special but it was good.
I picked D up on Wednesday, Cass came over on Thursday and we took him to Bob's. I haven't been to Bob's in's not just a haircut, it's an experience. He is now ready for pictures and for the wedding. We told him he was getting the haircut so he would look good for Aunt Marsha's wedding so he thought we were going last weekend. Cass stole him from me and he went to spend the night with her & Matt. They took him to the arcade, he had a great time.
After a stop to see grams on Friday, she finally brought him back to me. I took him home on Friday night, and missed him the minute he got out of the car.
Saturday and Sunday I did paperwork and some cleaning. And made plans for this weekend.

I am getting excited for this weekend too. If you need help with anything, let me know. I plan on coming up on Friday. Not sure what time but I will be there.

SO this is your LAST week as a single woman. Are you ready to say good bye to your single self and hello to your married self?

What about the other sisters, are they going to join us?


Sunday, March 22, 2009

Hey you all

Hey you all,
Where are you? Don't you know that just because you are on spring break, you don't get a blog break. Kimmie, where are you? Are you enjoying your days off?
Miss, are you going to join us?

Suz, my fault, I haven't told you about our blog yet, so you are excused.

My days are busy, wedding planning and thinking about weddings, etc. Are you ready for this?


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Shame on You

Shame, shame on you. Not rubbing it in. Sure you are, but I have 4 days of work until I'm off for 12 days. So your four days and my 12, hmmm.....I'll take my12.

Enjoy you boy. I'm sure he'll love spending time with grandma. Don't think about work or any of the BS and just have a good time with your time off.

10 days until the big day. I am so excited.


Spring Break

Now, don't be jealous but when I get off work at 5:00, I am on Spring Break.
An official 4 day weekend is ahead of me and it's a good thing. I need a "break".
I've got a bad case of spring fever, especially since the weather has been nice this week.

I am going to pick up "my boy" after work and spend some quality grandma time with him.
Not sure what I am going to do with the rest of the weekend, it's just good to know I don't have to go to work.

Really, I'm not rubbing it in, just wanted to keep you updated on what's going on......


Monday, March 16, 2009


Do I have advise? Not really sure. About the procrastination, just do it. It then leaves time for all the fun stuff.

About the kids, three things that work for depression. Don't drink. Exercise and good medication. But I'm not sure you can tell them any of those things. It's all pretty tough.


Weekend Update

I was able to find time by myself over the weekend. It was in the form of bookwork for taxes.
Can I tell you how much I hate this? And it is my own fault, I am a procrastinator & I admit it. Now I just need to do something about it! Isn't admission the first step?
I also took walks down to the pond, that seems to help calm me.

Saturday night, we burned a brush pile and then decided to burn off the field. It was a clear night, and we could see other people burning fields around us.

I think both my kids were suffering from the time change over a week ago and from the full moon. They were both depressed and not getting along with their significant others. Cass is so hard to deal with and it is so hard to reason with her when she gets in one of her "moods". I hope she is able to catch up on her rest this week.
Rick came by Friday night, by himself, ate & went to bed. He got up & ate breakfast and went back to bed. He finally got up around 1 & went to visit Cass. His problem is depression & I think he needed time by himself.
You can tell these are my kids, wonder if the full moon caused my mood last week? What do you think? I know you have an opinion.

I'm okay for now, I still want time for myself to do what I want instead of what I have to do. But I know that will only come when I get the "have to's" done.

The weekend trip sounds great but aren't you saving for a honeymoon????


Sunday, March 15, 2009



Did you get some time to yourself this weekend? I gave you some hints on how to do that.

Our sisters are out of the country--Rhode Island and Colorado and guess what? They are both coming back on Wednesday. Suz is flying in around noon and I probably won't get to see her. Her next job is in Minneapolis. Do you want to take a weekend trip with me to the Mall Of America?

Miss is bring Mom back to my house on Wed. Little Mis has a doctors appt on Thursday.

13 days--can you believe it.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Vacation Haven

You can have a vacation here anytime you want even if I'm getting read for a wedding. I will give you a room and leave you alone if you want me to. But I know the feeling. When there were three of us in my little house, I felt like there was no place to get away. You feel crowded in your own home and that is not fun.

It is important to find a place to have some time away. I know, hide in the bathroom and claim that you need to take a big dump. Ha ha Say that it's coming but taking its time. That drives them away, unless you live with someone fascinated about pooping regularly and checks-in every now and then.

Seriously, you can crash here anytime. Oh, another idea, mom is out of the country with our little brother so you can sneak over and see dad. We all know that he won't talk much and will need a nap so you can have some alone time there.

See two great options, what are little sisters for???


I need a vacation. I feel the need to be away from home, by myself. Or with my sisters.
But they are too far away, and the closest one is busy getting ready for her big day.
I know this feeling will pass and everything will go back to normal.
Next week, I get 2 days off from work for Spring Break but I will be at home, working.
The following week, is the wedding, so I will be taking off work on Friday.
It will be good, spending time with my sisters and the rest of the family.

I just need space and time by myself. It's amazing that there are only 2 people in the house now and I feel crowded. I need quiet, time to think without someone griping about everything. The only time I get me time is the drive to and from work. While I am thankful for having a job, there is also drama going on here. But I am lucky to still have somewhere to go during the day.

It's almost the weekend, maybe I will be able to find an hour or two to be alone.
Or maybe I will invaded by kids and grandkids. That is always a good thing.


Thursday, March 12, 2009

Wedding - 16 days & counting

No advise from this sister. Even though I have been married the longest, you have already said that I am not the wisest.
I have never thought of you as the "old maid", just the single, independent person you are.
I think it's great that you have a person you want to share your life with.
He is a good guy & if he makes you happy, I'm happy.

I ask myself, almost everyday, "what the hell am I doing". And I still don't have an answer.

I don't remember being nervous but that was forever ago. I know you are nervous about losing the control you have over the wedding, but the day will be great. Just let your sisters handle it.


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

17 days

Hey gals-
Can you believe that in 17 days I'll finally be married? I know you and the rest of the family were beginning to wonder if I would be the "old maid" of the family forever. I'm very excited and hope that the day will be a blast. Do you remember your big day? Were you nervous or excited? Did you ever think, "what the hell am I doing"?

Getting married is one decision that I'm absolutely sure about but at the same time I'm a little sad about giving up my 'single' independence. I've been by myself for such a long time. I love being in a relationship and Don is just awesome so I'm sure life will always be an adventure.

Any pointers?

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Did I get the right color?
We do need a new picture of the 4 of us, that one isn't very good of me. I'm thinking March 28th will be a perfect day for a new picture. Only 18 days left...
Once again, I apologize for waiting 2 days to call you back. You know me, I am a procrastinator.
That is the one thing I am really good at.
I am doing this from work, during my lunch hour, so my time is limited.
And since I am new at this, I am trying to think of things to write about.
This is your surprise for the day. :)


Monday, March 9, 2009


So I called you two days ago so excited about our blogging adventure and you wait until today to call me back...what's up with that. Forgiven, since you called me back. I'm excited about you joining me in this adventure. Until we get Suz and Miss signed up for this, we can talk about them here.

You need to insist on an office in your house complete with internet access. Not only can you read "urban Cowboy" you can blog your heart out.

You are also right--we need a better picture. March 28th will be a good day for a pic, what do you think??

Hope to hear from you here soon!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Here we start...

Kim, Suz and Miss,

Here we go. This is ours. Our way to tell the story of our family. Since I'm the one starting this, I'm going to introduce the cast of sisters.

Kim. We know you are the oldest but I'm not quite sure you're the wisest. I'm sure I win that one. Kim was the one in charge growing up. When we played school, she was the teacher. She gave out the orders and Suz and I followed. Kim always looked different from Suz and I. We were known as the "twins" but Kim looked like mom and grandma. She was quite growing up but watch out when she got into high school. She introduced me to high school beer parties and dragging main. Kim left home at 17. Although she was only 11 months older than Suz, she was two grades ahead and graduated at 17. Kim is now a buyer for a company in her town. She is married and has a step-daughter, a son and a daughter in college. Kim is also a grandma of 5. Ask her about her "grandson" and you will see a smile a mile wide. Kim is loving, kind, and a great sister!

Suz. Number two daughter and spoiled rotten by her father. She is his girl and we all know it. They are number crunchers and golfers. Suz was super quiet all through high school and dated one guy until she was in college. After college, she came into her own and found her hubby. They are totally outdoors people. Hunters, gatherers and random job workers. We never know where they are going to be. The were in Louisiana and got out hours before Katrina hit. Right now they are in Rhode Island. He has two kids, a boy and girl. They have 6 grand kids that they spoil beyond belief.

Miss. Miss met my brother when they were in the 8th grade. She tried to set him up with a friend of her, whatever that means when you are in eight grade. They started dating in high school and married before they finished college. They have two wonderful kids. Miss comes from a huge family so having sisters is not new to her. We instantly loved her and made her our sister- although, I'm not so sure what she would say about that??? What would you say Miss?

Then there is me. Marsh. I was the wild outgoing one. Kim is 23 months older than me and Suz is 1 year and 3 days older. I have the "first born syndrome" although I'm the youngest. I kept my sisters on their toes. I live the farthest away, unless Suz is traveling. I have always be the adventurer. No kids and getting married in three weeks.

So that's us.